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Tattoo Removal

Tattoo Removal

Opt for the fastest and safest laser tattoo removal from Derma Circles. Laser tattoo removal treatment is a revolutionary and highly advanced dermatological treatment procedure. You can now erase permanent tattoos in your body painlessly with our reliable tattoo removal services. At Derma Circles, we rely on laser devices to remove unwanted body ink without administering anaesthesia. With tattoo removal treatment from Derma Circles, you can resume your normal activities soon. If you are looking for reliable tattoo removal treatment in Delhi, contact us today.

We are the Reliable Tattoo Elimination Clinic in Delhi

Regretting tattoos is a real phenomenon nowadays. At Derma Circles, we offer a solution for those looking to remove tattoos they no longer need. Our certified and experienced dermatologists can effectively remove tattoos from your body using advanced techniques tailored to your skin type and tattoo color.

Cost of Tattoo Removal at Derma Circles

The cost of tattoo removal at Derma Circles varies based on your skin type and the type of ink used in the tattoo. We pride ourselves on offering affordable packages with guaranteed outcomes. For a personalized quote, please contact us.

The Procedure of Tattoo Removal at Derma Circles

Our procedure begins by numbing the area for 30 to 45 minutes. Then, laser shots are administered to the tattooed area. Following the treatment, mild redness and swelling might occur, but you can resume your activities almost immediately.

Number of Sessions at Derma Circles

The number of sessions needed varies based on the tattoo's color, age, ink density, and location. Typically, tattoos with older ink are easier to remove. After assessing your tattoo, our dermatologists will provide an estimated number of sessions required for optimal results.

Tattoo Removal at Derma Circles is Effective for All Skin Types

At Derma Circles, we use various treatment approaches tailored to each individual's skin type. While people with darker skin textures might need more sessions, our treatments ensure the best results with minimal side effects. On average, complete tattoo removal requires more than six sessions, depending on the tattoo and skin type.

Frequently Asked Questions about Tattoo Removal

1.Is laser tattoo removal painful?

At Derma Circles, we apply a numbing cream before the procedure to ensure minimal discomfort. Most patients describe the sensation as similar to a rubber band snapping against the skin.

The number of sessions varies based on the age, color, and density of the tattoo, as well as the type of ink used. On average, complete tattoo removal can take more than six sessions, but this is determined on a case-by-case basis.

Yes, at Derma Circles, we have expertise in removing a wide variety of tattoo colors, including blue, yellow, and green. The type of laser used will vary depending on the tattoo colors to achieve optimal results.

Yes, our tattoo removal procedure at Derma Circles is effective for all skin types. We customize our treatment plans using different lasers based on individual skin types to ensure safety and effectiveness.