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Carbon Peel Treatment

Carbon Peel Treatment

Rejuvenate your skin with our state-of-the-art carbon peel treatment at Derma Circles, Delhi. Our procedure is designed to exfoliate, cleanse, hydrate, and extract, leaving your skin younger-looking and refreshed. Resume your daily activities immediately with this non-invasive skin-revitalizing treatment. Call us at 7665307694 to book your session.

Carbon Peel Treatment Procedure

The carbon peel is a multi-stage procedure that provides comprehensive benefits:

  1. Application of Carbon Nanoparticles: Our specialists apply a layer of carbon nanoparticles that penetrate deep into the pores.
  2. Laser Exfoliation: A specialized laser is used to heat and remove the carbon, taking dead skin cells, contaminants, and oil with it.
  3. Skin Regeneration: The treatment stimulates collagen production, aiding in the reduction of fine lines and improving skin elasticity.
  4. Collagen and Elastin Production: Post-treatment, you'll experience tighter skin and a youthful glow as a result of increased collagen and elastin.

Aftercare and Benefits

Following the carbon peel treatment, our dermatologists will provide you with personalized aftercare tips to ensure the best results. Advantages of this treatment include:

  • Deep skin cleansing by absorbing oil and impurities
  • Reduction of acne, blackheads, and improved skin texture
  • Stimulated collagen production for wrinkle reduction
  • Skin tightening for a refreshed appearance
  • Effective treatment for congested and oily skin

To maximize these benefits, follow our clinically proven aftercare tips, including the use of recommended serums and gentle face cleansing routines.

Frequently Asked Questions about Carbon Peel Treatment

1.What can I expect during the carbon peel treatment?

Expect a comfortable session lasting about 45 minutes, where carbon lotion is applied to your skin and removed via a specialized laser, with minimal discomfort and no downtime.

Many clients notice immediate results in skin texture and tone, while cumulative benefits, such as increased collagen production and reduction in fine lines, become more evident after multiple sessions.

No, there is no downtime. You can immediately resume your daily routine after the treatment.

The number of treatments varies based on individual skin concerns and desired outcomes. Typically, a series of treatments are recommended for the best results.